Graham is a native Californian, raised in Ojai, but since 2009, has made the Bay Area his home. Graham received his undergraduate degree from Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut. There he double-majored in Economics and East Asian Studies and was a co-captain of the NCAA Div. III baseball team.
Graham has experience in trust, estate, conservatorship, elder abuse, restraining order, and employment matters. Graham has significant experience in all stages of disputes, including counseling clients before litigation, in alternative dispute resolution negotiations, and evidentiary hearings and trials.
Graham applies much of what he learned prior to law school to his legal career. Graham utilizes his strong work ethic and leadership qualities to assist his clients in successfully navigating their legal circumstances.
Graham practices law because he enjoys working with people and tackling complex issues that make a meaningful difference in their lives. In January 2022, Graham was elected as a member of the Board of Directors for Contra Costa Senior Legal Services — a non-profit organization dedicated to providing free civil legal services to Contra Costa County residents who are 60 or older.
Out of the office, Graham enjoys spending time with his family, traveling, reading, cooking, and eating. Graham has lived and studied in China and studied Mandarin. Graham has been a member of the Rotary Club of Danville since 2017.
Graham Douds, Comment, Insurable Interest In Maritime Insurance Law: Do We Still Need It? 25 U.S.F. MAR. L.J. 324 (2013).
Graham Douds, Comment, International Human Rights Implications of Voire Dire Discrimination: Critical Examination of Contemporary Language Qualifications in Criminal Proceedings. 18 REV. JURIDICA U. INTER. P.R. 715 (2013).
Graham Douds, Human Rights and the Environment: Strengthening Regulation of Improper Transboundary and National Movements of Hazardous Waste and Disposal, available here.
University of San Francisco School of Law, San Francisco, California — J.D.
- Law Review, Staff Member
- CALI Award for highest grade in Public International Law, Spring 2012
- CALI Award for highest grade in Community Property Law, Spring 2013
- CALI Award for highest grade in Legal Ethics, Spring 2013
- International and Comparative Law Certificate, with Honors
Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut
- Bachelor of Arts, Double Major in Economics and East Asian Studies
- Harbin Institute of Technology — language immersion, Harbin, China
- Wesleyan University’s NCAA baseball team, Co-Captain
Professional Membership
Contra Costa County Bar Association
East Bay Trusts & Estates Lawyers
Contra Costa Senior Legal Services
Past Employment
- San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Real Estate Division, San Francisco, CA — Public Service Aid
- Mandarin-Chinese: Intermediate
- Spanish: Beginner
Featured On
- Article “Thanks to #FreeBritney, another female entertainer is freed from conservatorship” as the invited expert (3/22/22)
- Interview for KRON 4 “Britney Spears’ Conservatorship Case Explained” (11/16/21)